Usage of Micro-Gestures to manage virtual content in AR


Worum geht es in diesem Projekt?

The advancement of AR and VR technology has brought with it new opportunities for content creation and interaction. While gesture recognition has received significant attention, many of the used gestures are complex and not designed for extended use, hindering their long-term viability. However, with the emergence of sophisticated systems such as the Hololens 2, which incorporates hand tracking through machine learning, the likelihood of AR and VR being adopted in the workplace is increasing.
To facilitate this, there is a growing need for gestures that are easy to perform over extended periods of time. Micro-gestures, which involve only small finger movements, offer a promising solution to this challenge. This work will compare more conventional macro- and micro-gestures, their hardware requirements, natural discoverability and general usability.

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Autoren / Vortragende


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Raimund Dachselt

Lehrstuhl / Institution

Interactive Media Lab Dresden