The next generation cloudfile manager NubiVis is built on top of the ongoing research project NubiSave, that aims to combine distributed storage of files with security and redundancy in order to popularize cloud storage solutions for enterprises as well as for private persons.
Having data stored on multiple storage providers – let it be local hard drives together with remote servers or mobile devices – demands an intuitive way to maintain the content stored, but also to keep track of the different locations, where the data resides and how much redundancy and robustness the current setup has. NubiVis tries to visualize all these aspects in one user centered webinterface. Because of its REST based architecture it will not be limeted to NubiSave, but could be used as a normal semantic filemanager in future, too.
The files stored in the cloud can optionally be enriched by semantic data with the help of EXIF tags in photos or ID3 tags in music, or any other kind of parsable information.
Sebastian Tilsch, Joseph Spillner
Institut für Systemarchitektur