Im Kontext der Nachwuchsforschergruppe FlexCloud werden Techniken entwickelt, welche die Benutzung existierender Cloud-Umgebungen entscheidend benutzerfreundlicher und sicherer gestalten. Mit NubiSave steht nun eine stabile und komfortable Anbindung von Cloud-Speicherdiensten zur allgemeinen Verfügung.
NubiSave is a distributed file system, which uses erasure codes, a technique for dispersing data and increasing fault-tolerance. Files are distributed to a flexible amount of various storage providers, as well as remote or local devices. The further development of NubiSave has the goal to exploit the advantages of distributed systems. Therefore, the extensions primarily focus on transparency, fault tolerance,
scalability and decentralization by load distribution, and increased efficiency by parallelization in and across systems. Design modifications are taken as a measurement to reduce the maximal processor and memory load and to increase performance
for small local accesses to large files. Additional enhancements comprise improved storage resizing and migration ability, dynamic reduction of redundancy, sparse file support, improved usability utilizing the GUI to integrate storage services as well
as choosing encryption modules for overall or per storage data encryption.
Johannes Müller
LS Rechnernetze