The Ultimate Dream: Clean-up Cobots


Worum geht es in diesem Projekt?

Automatically cleaning up workplaces, workshops (and, from a parent's point of view, childrens' rooms) is one of the major tasks in smart industry and smart home. We present a new case study from the TU Dresden Excellence Cluster "Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop” (CeTI), a clean-up robot coupling cyber-space and reality, a first step to an automatic clean-up of things dispersed on tables, floors, workbenches, and conveyor belts. The application combines modern computer graphics and software engineering aspects.

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Autoren / Vortragende


Tianfang Lin, Johannes Mey, Uwe Aßmann, Stefan Gumhold

Lehrstuhl / Institution

Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI)