Output Social

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An online gathering in a virtual Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau.
<a href="https://hubs.mozilla.com/YWFZGbU/output-dd/">Join us here!</a>

<strong>Instructions for using the platform:</strong>

Set name and activate your Webcam Avatar
<li>Select the three dots "More" button on the bottom right side of the screen.</li>
<li>Select "Change name and avatar."</li>
<li>Enter your name</li>
<li>Select the "Change avatar" button.</li>
<li>Select the “Webcam”, “Webcam Hologram” or "Webcam astronaut" avatar</li>
<li>Important: Select <strong>Share</strong> then <strong>Avatar Camera</strong></li>
Use Arrow keys or WASD to walk. Use Mouse to turn

Placeholder Image

Autoren / Vortragende


Anne Trinkaus, Ayush Shakya, Florian Mehnert, Karl Wenzel

Lehrstuhl / Institution

Immersive Media Design